Tell your story better

Blog: Powerful writing advice

Tell your story better

Personality (1) - Robot (0)

As we know, the robots are coming, clanking and whirring towards us at high speed to take over everything.

In a world likely to be drowning in AI-generated copy, distinctive human personality will shine through.

And to get that into your writing, you need A Self-Help Guide for Copywriters*.

It's specifically for advertising copywriters, to help them come up with "a crap ton of ideas" and turn them into ad headlines thrumming with personality.

But it's also a short, entertaining, example-packed read on how to smash creative blocks into smithereens, and how to truly connect with an audience.

The oodles of tips include:
- Write first. Think second.
- Embrace your dirt.
- Ask "What's the benefit of the benefit?"

Also be sure to follow its author Dan Nelken, Canadian copywriter, creative extraordinaire and former forklift driver.

*That’s an Amazon Affiliates link.