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Tell your story better

How to punctuate bullet points

I've seen few things rip offices apart over the years like rows about how to punctuate bulleted lists. They can get pretty savage.

Here's my (Hiberno-British English) take on a consistent style for punctuating bullet points that at least makes some sort of grammatical sense.

Keep it civil in the comments, you hear me?

When the bullets are fragments following on from the preceding main part of a sentence, we:
- use lower-case initial caps
- try to make sure the bullets are all one of a kind (meaning they all start with a verb or are all nouns)
- make sure each bullet point could logically complete the first part of the sentence on its own
- finish by adding a full stop to the last one.

When the bullets are not part of a sentence and each one is a sentence in itself, this is what we do: 
- We use upper-case initial cap and finish with a full stop, as each one is a complete sentence. 
- We do that again.
- Then we do the same thing again.

If the bulleted list is a third kind of list that appears at the start of a section or as its own stand-alone bit of content, well then different rules apply.

- Initial cap
- Full stop
- Not a full sentence to be seen